As Literary and Artistic property linked to copyright, the candidates assign right to BARRY CALLEBAUT AG, acting in his name and in the name of his subsidiaries (hereafter collectivelly referred to as “Barry Callebaut”), exclusively, without restriction neither regarding the destination nor the territory, during the rights’ period, for all known or unknown usage and whatever the medium, all copyrights, right of representation and reproduction and more generally all exploitation rights, as stipulated in the Intellectual Property French Code’s at the articles 122-1 to 122-12 concerning the artistic pieces, bonbons, tablets/bars, chocolate figures/pieces confectioned for or during the World Chocolate Masters, as well as the recipes needed for the confection of the here above original work.
BARRY CALLEBAUT will be then sole holder, for the artistic pieces, bonbons, tablets/bars and chocolate figures/pieces confectioned for or during the WORLD CHOCOLATE MASTERS and for their recipes, specially and without limitation of the reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, use, distribution, exploitation’s rights and shall possess the right to carry out in his name all formalities for the insulation of these rights.
BARRY CALLEBAUT will mention the name of the winner in all publications reproducing the artistic pieces and chocolate figures/pieces that will be published in specialized newspapers, books, Barry Callebaut Website, in internal Barry Callebaut’s documents and in all documents circulating within the Barry Callebaut’s customers network.
Furthermore, the winner authorizes Barry Callebaut to use his image in the advertorials and the advertising in the view of promoting the Chocolate Academy, the WORLD CHOCOLATE MASTERS or BARRY CALLEBAUT that will be published in the professional press and/or highlighted during professional events as well as in the internal BARRY CALLEBAUT’s documentation, within the BARRY CALLEBAUT’s customers network or in the BARRY CALLEBAUT website.