Bellouet, Joël (°NULL) - France
Professional experiencenow : Technical Advisor - Demonstrator - seeking for and drawing up new recipes
Chief Pastry Confectioner Ice cream maker
Former professor at the Lenotre school during 7 years
Professor at the National Superior Pastry School (Yssingeaux)
Professor at the de Perfectionnement Etoile School (Sottomarina-Italy)
Awards and competitions
Titular Member of the Culinary Academie of France
2004 : Palmes academiques
1997 : "Chevalier" in the order of "mérit agriculture "
1992 : Culinary trophy 1992 (best pastry chef of the year)
Medals in competitions in different contests.
Silver Medal of the Confederation of Ice Cream makers in France
Gold Medal of the Cordons Bleus
1987 : Grand Cordon d'or of the French kitchen
1979 : "Meilleur Ouvrier de France" golden Medal
A lot of publications of gastronomic works and video cassettes